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Your choice in the November county election for District 4 is to re-elect the tyrant and self-appointed dictator of Mohave County you voted for in the last election a write-in candidate and a Democrat. I somewhat know all of them and the tyrant in office now must go.

With the choice we have, I would say that Jennifer Jones-Esposito, the write in candidate, is the better choice. Jennifer has done more for the people than any Republican yet. She is against tyranny and that is a very important subject. Jennifer is not part of the good old boy’s club of the Republican party. That is a plus. I see Jennifer as a work in progress to become a promising “America First” candidate. I hope others will follow.

New animal control ordinance proposed:

Esposito listed a number of potential problems with the new ordinance. The criticism that got the most traction with the supervisors was that the new law requires fencing, and doesn’t allow dogs to run at-large on big, rural properties.

The latter concern sparked interest from Supervisor Ron Gould of District 5, who happens to own properties of that size and dogs that run at-large.

The language that was part of the old ordinance – allowing dogs to run at-large under the nominal control of the owner – was removed. That means dogs allowed to roam could be seized by the county, which could be a game-changer in rural communities.

“The odds of (being cited) would be slim,” Gould observed. “Still, I don’t want to do something illegal.”

At the same time, Supervisor Jean Bishop of District 2 reminded the board that packs of dogs running free can be a real problem in more populated districts.

The new ordinance addressed a previous problem – searches of property. But as written, that change is also unconstitutional, Esposito claimed.

“The most egregious part is the idea that under an allegation the county can take someone’s pet, ask them to post a bond, take them to civil court, revoke that bond, convert their property (the pet) to county property, and resell (the pet) to the public without this person ever being convicted of a crime,” she said.

A seized animal can be a purebred dog and the “monetary value of the animal,” even if it is eventually retrieved from the shelter, might be irreparably damaged in the county’s care, Esposito argued, citing spaying or neutering as an example.

She called for the county to define “cruelty” and “neglect,” pointed out the possibility of double jeopardy, and advised the supervisors to mirror state laws to avoid being sued again. 

New Protest Coming to Kingman

Just because Jennifer Esposito didn’t win the election for Arizona House of Representatives in 2018 doesn’t mean she’s still not passionate about Arizona and the welfare of the people...She has organized a peaceful anti-mask protest for the upcoming Independence Day holiday. She feels Ducey and Miles have usurped the power to make proper laws by issuing orders and proclamations by fiat.

Jones-Esposito a one woman show Friday

"It’s unfortunate tonight that my opponents decided that it wasn’t important enough to come and answer questions from the constituents,” she said. “I was really hoping they would.”

Bad blood, ineffective legislating threaten Mosley in LD5 primary

"When Jones-Esposito ran in 2012, Schiff said, she lived on the southern end of LD5 in Quartzite and was relatively unknown in Mohave County. Since moving to Kingman, he said, she has gained name recognition and now she also has more experience running a political campaign."

Background checks reveal court histories for state representative candidates

“I have a perfect record…not a single conviction despite every force of government and all the money and resources at their discretion used against me, not a single conviction,” she said, adding that she’s represented herself in court each time. “So you know, when I tell people I’m qualified to go to Phoenix and read and write (law), I really am because I’ve done it … I know the law better than a lot of people who are tasked with enforcing it.”


State Rep. Paul Mosley responds to speeding, immunity criticism

Mosley, the third candidate to introduce himself after fellow Rep. Regina Cobb and candidate Leo Biasiucci, was also the first to sling mud at his competitors, aiming a pointed barb at Biasiucci during his introduction.

“I have always been a Republican, I was never a Green Party candidate and I’ve never tampered with your computer,” Mosley said to a mixed response from the crowd.

Candidate Jennifer Jones-Esposito, next to introduce herself, was quick to parry.

“I don’t even own a car that will go 140 mph,” she said. “There, I got the joke out of the way.”

Havasu area legislative incumbents ahead in fundraising

"I’m old-school,” Esposito said. “I’m retired and I’m able to go out and meet with people every day. I’m fairly well-known and I don’t take money from special interest groups. When I’m elected, I won’t answer to any group except for Arizona’s fifth district. They’re my special interest.”

Jones-Esposito files for District 5 state representative

“Arizona should be protected from federal overreach. Let someone else drain the swamp. I want to clean the sandbox,” said Jones-Esposito, who is endorsed by the Republican Liberty Caucus of Arizona."

State House candidate seeking to recall county supervisor

“As a small government fiscal conservative, I find Supervisor Bishop’s socialist voting record to be abhorrent. I have watched her crusade to raise taxes, raise rates, and grow government at nearly every opportunity. Instead of reaching out to constituents who do not agree with her, Supervisor Bishop belittles them and treats them with contempt, even retaliating against those who dissent,” Jones-Esposito said.


Making friends on the campaign trail

Mohave County is the most conservative County in AZ

Let's keep it that way!


Arizona roadway to be named for man killed during Oregon protest

Jennifer Jones-Esposito, however, called Finicum an American patriot who was “murdered” by authorities.

“He was willing to take a stand for things that most people will never have the courage to do,” said Jones-Esposito. “We should never forget what happened to LaVoy. I would erect a monument in his honor if I could afford to do it personally, but changing the name of this one road is absolutely the very, very least we can do to honor his memory.”

© 2017 Created by Jennifer Esposito

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